Treemap chart app
Treemap chart app

treemap chart app

  • Fixed EuiDataGrid's display toolbar control to update initial UI state when developer gridStyle or rowHeightsOptions props are updated ( #5525).
  • Fixed multiple bugs with EuiDataGrid keyboard focus restoration ( #5530).
  • Added expanded option properties to EuiSelectableOption with data ( #5521).
  • Added virtulized rendering option to EuiSelectableList with isVirtualized ( #5521).
  • EuiKeyPadMenuItem now wraps itself with EuiToolTip when betaBadgeLabel is supplied forcing top element style props to be passed via betaBadgeTooltipProps ( #5541).
  • Deprecated data-gridcell-id from EuiDataGrid in favor of 4 new and more flexible props - data-gridcell-column-id, data-gridcell-column-index, data-gridcell-row-index, and data-gridcell-visible-row-index ( #5515).
  • Fixed EuiKeyPadMenuItem accessibility issue where there was a nested focusable element ( #5541).
  • Fixed keyboard navigation in EuiDataGrid not fully scrolling cells into view ( #5515).
  • Exported EuiGlobalStyles component ( #5497).
  • Added globalStyles prop to EuiProvider to allow for global style customization ( #5497).
  • Added betaBadgeTooltipProps to EuiKeyPadMenuItem to extend the wrapping EuiToolTip ( #5541).
  • Updated the outline color in euiCustomControlFocused mixin to use $euiFocusRingColor instead of currentColor ( #5479).
  • Added lettering glyph to EuiIcon ( #5525).
  • treemap chart app

  • Added optimize build as a lighter weight option more suited to production environments ( #5527).
  • Updated styles in EuiDescriptionList of type inline ( #5534).
  • treemap chart app

    Updates CoreContextProvider to conditionally add global styles.kbnUiSharedDeps-npmDll | 6.1MB | 4.8MB | -1.3MB.Uses the new optimize/es build for smaller footprint.

    Treemap chart app